Adapters are for button-type pacifiers (those without rings) such as Mam, Nuby, Razbaby. They can also be purchased separately here Dummy Adapters
All other pacifiers such as BIBS that have rings can be attached straight to the Sleepytot's velcro paws without an adapter.
NEW Size 21cm height x 17cm wide, measurement does not include the paws
The award-winning baby comforters have little velcro paws which hold up to 4 dummies, soothers or teethers. The Millpond Child Sleep Clinic and sleep consultants worldwide recommend our comforters as a way of helping little ones find their dummies easily at night and return to sleep without fully waking.
No more dummy runs in the night. Sleepytot will help your little one find their own dummies. Guess what? Tried, tested and it works!
How many times do you get up every night and find yourself on hands and knees searching under the cot, in the darkness for the elusive dummies?
Brand new "One Size Fits All" 17cm wide x 21cm height (this measurement does not include Sleepytot's paws)
Please read our SAFE SLEEP & COMFORTERS guidelines here safe-sleep-comforters
AU/NZ/EU/US/UK safety approved